U2 CAFÉ & BBQ 庸記燒臘小廚

1 上湯滾滾蜆 Clams & vermicelli In Soup

上湯滾滾蜆 Clams & vermicelli In Soup

2 意式鮮蜆燴意粉 Spaghetti With Clams & Cheese

意式鮮蜆燴意粉 Spaghetti With Clams & Cheese

3 炸雲吞Deep Fired Wonton

炸雲吞Deep Fired Wonton

4 日式鰻魚飯 Eel On Curry Fried Rice

日式鰻魚飯 Eel On Curry Fried Rice

5 公司三文治 Club Sandwich

公司三文治 Club Sandwich

6 燒臘雙拼飯 Two Delicacy On Rice

燒臘雙拼飯 Two Delicacy On Rice

7 炸春卷 Deep Fired Egg Roll

炸春卷 Deep Fired Egg Roll

8 法式焗田螺 French Style Escargot

法式焗田螺 French Style Escargot

9 雜果大蝦沙律 Fruit Salad With Shrimps

雜果大蝦沙律 Fruit Salad With Shrimps

10 炸雨 Steamed Rice Roll With Chinese Donut

炸雨 Steamed Rice Roll With Chinese Donut

11 港式菠蘿油 HK Style Butter Bun

港式菠蘿油 HK Style Butter Bun

12 港式雞蛋仔 HK Style Pancake

港式雞蛋仔 HK Style Pancake

13 焗梳乎厘Souffle



芝士蛋糕 Cheese Cake15 蒜茸炒豆苗 Stir Fried Pea Sprout With Garlic

蒜茸炒豆苗 Stir Fried Pea Sprout With Garlic

16 黑椒鲜菌牛柳粒 Filet Mignon Cubes With Black Pepper

黑椒鲜菌牛柳粒 Filet Mignon Cubes With Black Pepper

17 西汁合桃蝦 Walnut Shrimps

西汁合桃蝦 Walnut Shrimps

18 麻婆豆腐 Ma Puo Tofu

麻婆豆腐 Ma Puo Tofu

19 吉列鱼柳 Fish Fillet Cutlet

吉列鱼柳 Fish Fillet Cutlet

20 梅菜扣肉 Pork With Preserved Vegetable

梅菜扣肉 Pork With Preserved Vegetable

21 TableMatAA01




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